About Us

Our Story

The Medicine House – Drugbank was established on 11th December 2005 by well-known advocate Shri Harshadbhai H. Acharya of Bhavnagar with a mission to provide free medications to the needy and poor.

Recognizing the high cost of medical treatments and the ongoing necessity for medications, the Drugbank was created to alleviate the financial burden on needy and poor patients. Inspired by the principle “Service to Humanity is Service to God,” our initiative aims to ensure that the essential medications are accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial status.

Our operations are driven by the generosity of Bhavnagar’s citizens and doctors, who donate unused and surplus medications. Drugbank also receives unused and surplus medications collected in the drugbox placed at various locations of Bhavnagar. We meticulously sort and classify these medications, ensuring expired drugs are removed and distribute the usable ones for free of charge based on the prescriptions from the registered doctors.

On an average, we serve 100 to 170 patients daily, honouring around 3600 prescriptions monthly and each month distributing medications worth approximately twelve lakh rupees. This effort significantly impacts the community, providing crucial support to those who need it the most.

The Drugbank thrives on the dedication of a diverse group of volunteers, including doctors, legal professionals, engineers, industrialists, and community members. These volunteers are working selflessly. With their unwavering support, we continue to expand our services, aiming to provide free medication kits for chronic diseases and promote health awareness.

Blessed by the revered leaders and supported by the community, we remain steadfast in our commitment to serving humanity with faith and dedication.

What the Drugbank expects from you

Place a drug box at a suitable location in your neighbourhood. Encourage residents to deposit their unused medications and make sure to deliver collected medications at Drugbank.

If any acquaintances working in pharmaceutical companies, arrange for sample medications to be supplied to the Drugbank regularly.

Inspire children and youth to engage in community service by volunteering at the Drugbank for two hours whenever possible.

Refer needy individuals to the Drugbank to receive free medications based on a doctor’s prescription.

Visit the Drugbank during good and bad family occasions and make a contribution.

Help in identifying donors who can donate new medications daily worth approximately Rs.10,000.

Timings of the Drugbank

Medicines are distributed free of cost to the needy patients from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM except Sundays.